I have to say that summer is unpredictable. I've figured that my editing speed is like a roller coaster. Yes, I'm using a typical analogy, but oh well, there's the brain dead me. Anyhow, you've probably noticed that I've been updating rather quickly and that's because I honestly don't know exact dates now. My vacation is coming in May, so I'm going to try my best to speed things along. Expect an update for each story every couple of days.

Also, if you've been following the revised chapters for Rebirth, I'm pretty sure you've noticed huge changes and additions. I'm hoping that they're for the better! Please tell me what you think about these revisions. Your opinion would be very helpful!

(The same goes for TFDL.)

As for the drawings .  . . they are on hold until my scanner is fixed. I'm not even sure if I can fix this printer/scanner.
